Shop Cummins K38 512-900KW KT38G KT38GA KTA38G2 KTA38G2B KTA38G2A KTA38G5 KTA38G9 QSKTAA38G5 Generator Set Diesel Engine | Tonkee®
Cummins K38 512-900KW KT38G KT38GA KTA38G2 KTA38G2B KTA38G2A KTA38G5 KTA38G9 QSKTAA38G5 Generator Set Diesel Engine | Tonkee®
The different models within the K38 series offer varying features and specifications to meet diverse customer requirements. Models like the KTA38G5 and KTA38G9 incorporate the latest advancements in engine technology, including electronic controls, enhanced performance parameters, and improved monitoring and diagnostics capabilities. These features enable better control, monitoring, and maintenance of the generator sets, enhancing overall reliability and ease of operation.
The different models within the K38 series offer varying features and specifications to meet diverse customer requirements. Models like the KTA38G5 and KTA38G9 incorporate the latest advancements in engine technology, including electronic controls, enhanced performance parameters, and improved monitoring and diagnostics capabilities. These features enable better control, monitoring, and maintenance of the generator sets, enhancing overall reliability and ease of operation.